An award show highlighting the extraordinary individuals who strive to make scholastic esports better through innovation, dedication, and creativity.
More than just an award show, the Scholastic Esports Awards seeks to take a further step in its vision to support national scholastic esports infrastructure.
“Each of these events are important and necessary in their own right, but it’s the combination of the Scholastic Esports Awards and curated programming that will create a unique platform to hold up our community's achievements and inspire growth in scholastic esports.”
Jesse Bodony, MA
Co-Executive Director of VOICE
“We have yet to see a national initiative that can bring all communities together. I see the Scholastic Esports Awards as a beacon that not only walks toward this goal - but also authentically supports existing infrastructure to celebrate their communities in their own ways.”
Chris Postell
Vanguard, Esports Foundry
"VOICE is excited to be a part of creating the Scholastic Esports Awards so that we can meaningfully recognize those in our space who drive this ecosystem forward and function as trailblazers and innovators that the rest of us can learn from."
Russ Hamer, PHD
Co-Executive Director of VOICE